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Plant Powered Mastery - 21 Day New Body Program!
Module 1: Why Eat Plant Foods?
Session 1: My Story - How Plants Saved My Life! (9:01)
Session 2: Body Acid Overload (Do You Have It? And What Can You Do About It?) (6:05)
Session 3: The Protein Myth (And the Critical Nutrient You're Actually Missing) (4:24)
Session 4: Meat and Weight Gain (2:58)
Session 5: Frightening Facts about Dairy + "True Fat" Calculator (5:11)
Session 6: What’s Wrong with Eggs? (2:10)
Session 7: Quick Fix Diet! (5:47)
Module 2: Let’s Get Started (Transitioning)
Session 1: The First Thing You MUST Do! (2:53)
Session 2: Blood Tests (1:50)
Session 3: B12 and Supplements - Are They Necessary? (2:26)
Session 4: Fridge, Freezer & Pantry Staples (5:28)
Session 5: Organic vs Non-Organic (3:13)
Session 6: What Kitchen Equipment Do You Need (6:05)
Session 7: My Food Diary Template - How I Lost 50 Pounds! (2:31)
Session 8: Changing Your Taste Buds (2:28)
Session 9: Eat More! (1:41)
Session 10: Diet vs Exercise (1:49)
Module 3: What to Eat to Lose Weight & Keep It Off!
Session 1: Which Foods Help You Lose Weight? (7:33)
Session 2: Get Your Stomach To Tell Your Brain That You're Full - No More Overeating! (3:34)
Session 3: Greens Are Your Friend - Tricks To Eat More Greens (2:50)
Session 4: Are Nuts Bad? Should You Avoid Them? (1:45)
Session 5: Is Fructose Bad? What About Fruit? (2:13)
Session 6: To Snack or Not to Snack? (1:30)
Session 7: What to Drink? (1:41)
Session 8: BEWARE Hidden Non-Plant Based Foods! (1:33)
Module 4: Plant Powered Mastery: 21 Day Meal Plan + Checklist & Cheat Sheet!
21 Day Meal Plan (with all recipes!)
Quick-Tick Daily Food Checklist
What to Eat - Cheat Sheet
Module 5: Real World Challenges
Session 1: Eating Out Tips (3:00)
Session 2: Travelling Tips (1:38)
Session 3: Other Important Factors - Not Just Food! (1:27)
Session 4: How to Talk to Family and Friends in an Effective Way (1:34)
Session 5: Why Am I Not Losing Weight? The Simple Things You Need to Remember
Module 6: What's Next?
Session 1: How to Stay on Track (2:56)
Session 2: Your Entry to The Private Plant Powered Mastery Facebook Group (0:39)
Session 2: Get Your Stomach To Tell Your Brain That You're Full - No More Overeating!
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